Brittany Webb

Jun 26, 20235 min

Breaking Through the Noise: Treating Your Intrusive Thoughts

In a world where mental health awareness is gaining much-needed prominence, let’s take a moment to talk about an often overshadowed aspect of mental health: intrusive thoughts. They can affect anyone and have profound impacts on mental well-being. It’s crucial to understand them, recognize their effects, and importantly, seek appropriate help.

Understanding Intrusive Thoughts

So, what are intrusive thoughts? Intrusive thoughts are unwelcome, often distressing thoughts, images, or urges that spontaneously pop into your mind. They are unwanted passengers on your mental journey, causing discomfort and anxiety, and often being antithetical to your core beliefs and values.

While it's normal for random, even strange, thoughts to flit through our minds, intrusive thoughts are often more persistent and unsettling. They repeat themselves in a loop, much like a haunting refrain that refuses to fade.

Everyone experiences random and strange thoughts from time to time, but intrusive thoughts tend to stick around and play on a loop, much like a song you can’t get out of your head. These thoughts can encompass a wide range of topics but are frequently focused on issues that cause anxiety.

What is the difference between intrusive thoughts, self-doubt, and negative self-image, fear, and realistic concerns?

Intrusive thoughts, self-doubt, negative self-image, fear, and realistic concerns are all aspects of our mental and emotional experiences, but they differ in their origins, manifestations, and impacts on our well-being. Let's dive into each of these:

  • Intrusive Thoughts: These are unwanted, unwelcomed, involuntary thoughts, images, or unpleasant ideas that can become obsessions, meaning that feel they are on repeat in your mind. They are often disturbing, and not in line with your usual thinking patterns, they aren’t really the true you. They may involve themes of impulsive changes, violence, inappropriate sexual behavior, or religious blasphemy, among many other themes. While everyone experiences intrusive thoughts occasionally, they can be problematic when persistent, cause distress, or lead to compulsive behaviors, as seen in conditions like Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

  • Self-Doubt: This is a form of cognitive distortion where you doubt your capabilities, accomplishments, or potential. It often involves fearing judgment from others. While it's normal to experience self-doubt occasionally, when it's persistent, it can inhibit personal growth and achievement and contribute to mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

  • Negative Self-Image: This refers to a distorted, unfavorable perception of oneself. It involves a persistent pattern of self-criticism, self-disapproval, and negatively comparing oneself to others. A negative self-image can influence one's self-esteem, confidence, and interactions with others, contributing to several mental health disorders, including depression, eating disorders, and body dysmorphic disorder.

  • Fear: Fear is an emotional response to a perceived threat. It is an essential part of our survival mechanism, designed to alert us to danger and prepare our bodies to respond. However, when fear responses are too easily triggered, disproportionate to the threat, or persist when the danger has passed, they can lead to anxiety disorders.

  • Realistic Concerns: Realistic concerns are rational worries about genuine issues or potential problems. They are based on actual circumstances or potential realistic outcomes. For instance, concern about performing well in a job interview, worrying about a loved one's health during an illness, or even walking through a neighborhood where there is known high crime rates would fall into this category. These concerns can motivate constructive action and problem-solving. However, when they become excessive or disproportionate to the situation, they can contribute to stress and anxiety.

While these concepts are distinct, they can intersect and influence one another. For example, intrusive thoughts might fuel fear, and constant self-doubt might lead to a negative self-image. Understanding these differences can help in identifying and addressing mental health challenges effectively.

Examples of Intrusive Thoughts

Intrusive thoughts come in all shapes and sizes, but they generally fall into a few common categories: harm, sexual, religious, or major life decisions.

Someone might have a sudden thought of hurting a loved one despite being non-violent, feel a random sexual urge that feels inappropriate, or experience blasphemous thoughts despite being religious. They may obsess over a life decision, worrying excessively about its potential fallout.

Please remember, having intrusive thoughts does not mean you are inherently violent, immoral, or indecisive. They do not define your character or predict your actions. But they can induce substantial distress, hence the importance of addressing them.

Why Do We Have Intrusive Thoughts?

Why does the brain torment us with these distressing thoughts? Intrusive thoughts are part of being human and can be a common feature of various mental health conditions like Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety disorders. They are often linked to fears, phobias, or ongoing stress and can be heightened by life changes or when the stress has just piled too high.

These thoughts occur when our brain gets stuck in a counterproductive loop. It’s as if a glitch in our brain's threat detection system sends a false alarm, and our mind responds by fixating on the perceived threat. This is why they often revolve around worst-case scenarios or taboo subjects. I often picture it of you have a picture of a scene and everything is going well, then your intrusive thoughts poke holes into that great scene.

Seeking Help for Intrusive Thoughts

Knowing that these thoughts are a common aspect of human cognition can provide some comfort, but understandably, it’s not enough at times. It’s helpful to take action to manage them effectively. Here are some recommended steps:

  • Acknowledge and Accept: Firstly, acknowledge the presence of these thoughts. It’s okay to have them; you are not alone, and they don’t make you a bad person. Acceptance can diminish the power these thoughts hold over you.

  • Therapy: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be particularly effective. CBT works by helping you understand the link between your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, thereby equipping you with strategies to challenge and change negative thought patterns. Finding a mental health therapist who specializes in anxiety, OCD, and really just treating intrusive thoughts is important.

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices can help ground you in the present, teaching you to let thoughts come and go without judgement or fear.

  • Medication: In some cases, medication may be recommended by a healthcare provider. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are examples of medications that may help. It also depends on your experience if this is a good fit for you. I often think that medications can help decrease the intensity of symptoms that can allow for developing coping strategies better. A therapist and psychiatrist/physician can consult with you on medications.

  • Support groups: Connecting with others who are experiencing the same struggles can offer comfort, reduce feelings of isolation, and provide practical advice.

If you or someone you know is struggling with them, reach out. Don’t let fear or shame prevent you from seeking help. This is a call to action for understanding, acceptance, and assistance. Your mental well-being is vital; it’s time to make intrusive thoughts part of the conversation.

Remember, you are not your thoughts as they are not the true you. You are the awareness that notices them. With the right support and strategies, you can learn to navigate the noise of intrusive thoughts and find the silence within.

Blog Disclaimer - These posts are not meant to treat, diagnose, or serve as a replacement for therapy. If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health emergency, please contact your local crisis center or dial 911. Here are more immediate resources as well.
