Brittany Webb

May 8, 20235 min

Managing Intrusive Thoughts: Tips and Techniques to Overcome Unwanted Thinking

Intrusive thoughts are unwanted, recurrent, and often distressing thoughts that can pop into our minds without warning. These thoughts can be about a wide range of topics, including harm, death, sexuality, or even religion. For many people, these thoughts are fleeting and don't cause significant distress. However, for others, intrusive thoughts can become overwhelming and impact their mental health.

Intrusive thoughts are not the same as deliberate thinking or planning. They are automatic and can occur randomly, even when we don't want them to. Sometimes, people may feel ashamed or guilty about having these thoughts, which can make them even more distressing. It's important to understand that having intrusive thoughts is not a reflection of your character or values.

While intrusive thoughts are normal and can happen to anyone, they can be a symptom of mental health conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). For people with OCD, intrusive thoughts can be a symptom of the condition, causing them to engage in compulsive behaviors to alleviate the anxiety and distress caused by these thoughts.

Intrusive thoughts can also be a symptom of PTSD, a mental health condition that can occur after a traumatic event. For example, someone who has experienced a car accident may have intrusive thoughts about the event, which can trigger anxiety and panic.

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is another condition that can be associated with intrusive thoughts. People with GAD often experience excessive worry and anxiety, which can manifest as intrusive thoughts about their health, finances, or relationships.

Examples of Intrusive Thoughts:

Some examples of intrusive thoughts can include:

  • Relationship OCD: Obsessive thoughts about the quality or nature of one's romantic relationships, such as fear of infidelity or doubts about one's sexuality.

  • Health anxiety: Obsessive and intrusive thoughts about one's health or bodily functions, such as fear of illness, contamination, or death.

  • Perfectionism: Intrusive thoughts about not doing things perfectly, such as obsessing over small details or feeling the need to repeat actions to achieve perfection. This is very disruptive where you may even find it challenging to start a task because of the overwhelming concern of doing it right the first time.

  • Sexual thoughts: Inappropriate or disturbing sexual thoughts that are unwanted and often cause shame and guilt.

  • Blasphemous thoughts: Thoughts that involve questioning or disrespecting religious beliefs or deities.

  • Harm-related thoughts: Thoughts about being responsible for causing harm to others, such as accidentally causing a car accident.

  • Germs and contamination: Obsessive thoughts about germs or contamination that can lead to excessive cleaning and handwashing.

  • Unwanted memories: Memories of traumatic events or past experiences that continue to intrude into a person's thoughts.

  • Doubt and uncertainty: Persistent thoughts that cause doubt and uncertainty, such as doubting one's own abilities or questioning the authenticity of their relationships.

It's important to note that intrusive thoughts are common and can affect anyone. If you're experiencing intrusive thoughts, it's important to seek help from a mental health professional. Find out more ways to treat these unwanted thoughts in the next section.

Ways to Treat Intrusive Thoughts:

If you're experiencing intrusive thoughts that are impacting your mental health, it's important to seek help from a mental health professional online or from mental health services near you. They can help you understand why you're experiencing these thoughts and provide strategies to manage them.

One approach used to manage intrusive thoughts is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a type of therapy that focuses on changing the way we think and behave. With CBT, a mental health professional can help you learn to identify and challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more positive and realistic ones. CBT can be helpful for managing intrusive thoughts by helping individuals understand the connection between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and giving them the tools to challenge negative thought patterns and cope with anxiety and stress.

Here's how CBT can be helpful for managing intrusive thoughts:

  • Identifying and challenging negative thoughts: CBT helps individuals identify negative thought patterns and challenge them. This is important for intrusive thoughts because these thoughts are often irrational and don't reflect reality. By identifying and challenging negative thoughts, you can reduce the power these thoughts have over them.

  • Reframing thoughts: Reframing is the process of looking at a situation or thought from a different perspective. With intrusive thoughts, this can involve helping you see your thoughts as just thoughts, rather than facts or threats. This can help reduce the emotional distress that comes with intrusive thoughts.

  • Learning coping skills: CBT can help you learn coping skills to manage your intrusive thoughts. This can include relaxation techniques, mindfulness practices, and other strategies to help reduce anxiety and stress.

Exposure therapy is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) that involves gradually exposing a person to the thoughts or situations that trigger their anxiety or distress. The goal is to help the person learn to tolerate the thoughts or situations without experiencing extreme anxiety or engaging in compulsive behaviors. For intrusive thoughts, exposure therapy typically involves exposure to the feared thought or image. This may be done through visualization exercises, where the person imagines the thought or image in a controlled setting, or in vivo exposure, where the person is gradually exposed to the situation that triggers the thought or image. Exposure therapy for intrusive thoughts can be challenging and may require the guidance of a trained therapist. However, research has shown that exposure therapy can be effective in reducing the severity and frequency of intrusive thoughts. It's important to note that exposure therapy may not be the best fit for everyone, and other forms of therapy or treatment may be more appropriate depending on the individual's specific needs and circumstances.

Mindfulness-based approaches can also be helpful in managing intrusive thoughts. Mindfulness involves being present and aware of your thoughts and emotions without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, you can learn to observe your thoughts without getting caught up in them.

Additionally, self-care practices such as exercise, getting enough sleep, and eating a healthy diet can also help manage intrusive thoughts. Engaging in activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good can also help alleviate stress and anxiety. When we are not feeling physically well, it becomes more challenging to manage our mental health.

Intrusive thoughts are a common experience for many people, and they can impact mental health and your day-to-day life. While they are normal, they can also be a symptom of mental health conditions such as OCD, PTSD, or GAD. Seeking help from a mental health professional online or near you can help you understand why you're experiencing these thoughts and provide strategies to manage them. Mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and self-care practices can all be helpful in managing intrusive thoughts and promoting good mental health. Remember, having intrusive thoughts is not a reflection of your character or values, and seeking help is a sign of strength.

Find out more on these areas below:

GAD = Generalized Anxiety Disorder

OCD = Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

PTSD = Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
