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OCD Therapists

OCD therapy

More on OCD...

Mental health counseling is a valuable tool for you if you are struggling with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). 


Some of the benefits of mental health counseling for OCD include:

  • Understanding OCD: I will help you better understand the nature of your OCD and the underlying psychological and neurobiological factors contributing to your symptoms.

  • Developing coping skills: I will help you develop effective coping skills and strategies to manage OCD symptoms, such as exposure and response prevention therapy, and more.

  • Reducing anxiety: I will help you reduce anxiety associated with OCD, which can interfere with your daily life and relationships.

  • Improving quality of life: I will help you learn how to live a fulfilling life despite OCD symptoms, allowing you to engage in activities that you value and care about.

  • Identifying triggers: I will help you identify triggers that exacerbate your OCD symptoms, allowing you to better manage and prevent symptom relapse.

  • Addressing co-occurring disorders: I will help you address any co-occurring/co-existing mental health disorders, such as anxiety or depression, which may exacerbate your OCD symptoms.

  • Addressing family and relationship issues: I will also help you address any family or relationship issues that may be impacting your OCD symptoms, as well as provide support and education for family members.


Overall, mental health counseling is an important treatment modality for you to navigate and conquer the challenges that OCD brings. It can help them better understand their symptoms, develop effective coping strategies, and improve their quality of life. Working with a mental health professional, individuals with OCD can learn to manage their symptoms, decrease anxiety, and live more fulfilling and satisfying lives.


Here are some symptoms that are associated with OCD:

  • Obsessions: Intrusive, unwanted, and persistent thoughts, images, or impulses that are distressing and difficult to control.  Some thought content can be: fear of contamination, doubts about safety or harm, or unacceptable sexual or religious thoughts. 

  • Compulsions: Repetitive behaviors or even mental acts that you feel driven to perform in response to obsessions, such as excessive cleaning or washing, checking, counting, or arranging things in a particular order.

  • Fear of harm: Fear of causing harm to oneself or others or being responsible for a negative outcome due to the obsessions.

  • Avoidance: Avoidance of situations, people, or objects that trigger the obsessions or compulsions, such as avoiding shaking hands or going to crowded places.

  • Time-consuming: Performing compulsions take up a significant amount of time, disrupting daily life and causing distress.

  • Disruption and interference of functioning: OCD can interfere with work, school, and relationships, causing significant distress and impairing daily functioning.

  • Guilt and shame: People with OCD often feel guilty or ashamed of their obsessions and compulsions, which can lead to social isolation and further anxiety.


It's important to note that OCD is a condition that can worsen over time if left untreated. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of OCD, it's important to seek professional help from a mental health provider.

Note: Symptoms and descriptions are listed to help you connect with the mental health services that work for you, for instance, this is listed as this is an area that Better Minds Counseling & Services serves and specializes in.  This is not meant for self-diagnosing.

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