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Cognitive Behavior Therapy

CBT thearpist

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, often abbreviated as CBT, is a form of psychological treatment that emphasizes the important role of thinking in how we feel and what we do. As a therapeutic technique, it's rooted in the premise that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected, implying that changing our thoughts and behaviors can ultimately alter our feelings.


CBT is a highly effective approach in treating a variety of mental health conditions. When it comes to anxiety disorders, for instance, CBT aids individuals in understanding the patterns of their thinking that lead to overwhelming anxiety. It can equip them with practical skills to identify, challenge, and neutralize these unhelpful thoughts.


For Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), CBT typically incorporates a specialized technique known as Exposure and Response Prevention. This method exposes individuals to thoughts, images, and situations that make them anxious and prevents one from carrying out their usual compulsive responses, ultimately helping them to reduce their obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors over time.


Similarly, in the context of stress management, CBT provides individuals with tools to reframe negative thinking, develop effective problem-solving strategies, and practice stress-reducing behaviors. This can ultimately lead to a more balanced life and an enhanced capacity to manage stress.


For trauma-related disorders, such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), CBT assists in safely recalling the traumatic event in a controlled environment. By doing so, individuals can change unhelpful thought patterns that have developed as a result of the trauma. Furthermore, it promotes resilience by equipping individuals with coping strategies to manage distressing thoughts and feelings related to the traumatic event.


Moreover, CBT isn't limited to the conditions mentioned but is a versatile tool with the ability to be adapted to cater to various other mental health conditions, contributing significantly to the betterment of an individual's mental well-being.


How does this apply to you and working with therapists at Better Minds Counseling & Services?

  • Therapists believe that our feelings, thoughts, and actions are connected and influence each other.  They view them as mechanical wheels working together, simultaneously.  If one is not moving like it used to, it impacts the other two.  They work with individuals to identify which “wheel” is not working as it once did and works to correct its course.  

  • They believe there are patterns that we fall into that are not helpful, leading our thoughts, feelings, and actions to feel out of our control.  They work with clients to identify these patterns, not only to help correct course but also to gain an understanding and develop strategies to regain control, putting you back in the driver’s seat.

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