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Perfectionism Therapists


More on Perfectionism...

Do you feel like you are struggling with perfectionism?  Therapy will be a valuable tool as it provides a safe and supportive environment to explore the underlying causes of your perfectionistic tendencies and learn new coping strategies.


Here are some potential benefits of therapy if you’re struggling with perfectionism:

  • Increased self-awareness: Through therapy, you will gain a deeper understanding of the root causes of your perfectionism, such as past experiences or societal pressures. This self-awareness can help you identify your triggers and work on developing healthier thought patterns and behaviors.

  • Reduced anxiety and stress: Perfectionism can be a major source of anxiety and stress, as you may feel that you are constantly falling short of your own high expectations and standards. I will help you in therapy to learn how to manage these feelings and develop more realistic expectations for yourself.

  • Improved relationships: Perfectionism can strain relationships with others, as you may become overly critical of yourself and others. We will work together and help you learn how to communicate more effectively, set more realistic expectations, and be more forgiving of yourself and others.

  • Increased self-acceptance: Perfectionism can make it difficult for you to feel good about yourself and your accomplishments, as you may always feel that these accomplishments could have been done better. Through therapy, you will learn ways to find acceptance with yourself, and celebrate your achievements without always striving for perfection.

  • Better overall well-being: By reducing anxiety, improving relationships, and increasing self-acceptance, therapy will help you with perfectionism and lead a happier, more fulfilling lives.


Overall, therapy is a valuable tool if you are struggling with perfectionism. By addressing the underlying beliefs and emotions that drive perfectionistic tendencies, you will develop more balanced and fulfilling lives.


Perfectionism is a personality trait characterized by a high level of self-imposed standards and a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others. Some common symptoms of perfectionism include:

  • Unrealistic standards: Setting excessively high standards for yourself that are often unattainable or unrealistic.

  • Extreme attention to detail: Paying excessive attention to details and getting caught up in small or insignificant aspects of a task.

  • Fear of failure: Having an intense fear of failure or making mistakes, which can lead to avoidance of new challenges or taking risks.

  • Overly critical self-evaluation: Being highly critical of yourself and one's work, often to the point of being self-defeating.

  • Procrastination: Delaying or avoiding tasks due to fear of failure or not being able to meet one's own high standards.

  • Perfectionism in relationships: Expecting perfection from others, including partners, friends, and colleagues, which can lead to strained relationships.

  • Rigidity: Expecting nothing less than success and perfection out of yourself and others.

  • Impaired productivity: Spending too much time on a task or being overly focused on details leads to reduced productivity and efficiency.

  • Anxiety and depression: Perfectionism leads to high levels of anxiety, stress, and depression, as individuals may feel overwhelmed by the pressure to achieve perfection.


It's important to note that while having high standards and a strong work ethic can be positive qualities, it is also so that perfectionism is a source of significant stress and emotional distress. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of perfectionism that are causing significant distress or impairment, it's important to seek professional help from a mental health provider.


Note: Symptoms and descriptions are listed to help you connect with the mental health services that work for you, for instance, this is listed as this is an area that Better Minds Counseling & Services serves and specializes in.  This is not meant for self-diagnosing.

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